How to Improve

Healthcare in America

RAISE AWARENESS. SOLVE PROBLEMS. SAVE CHILDREN. How we can sensibly use vaccines, avoid vaccine injury, and establish practical healthcare policies in the United States. 

"... one man's life is worthless if not useful to others."
- Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States.
- Stephen Heartland, Author.

Book Cover

This book was published on October 7, 2024.

Global Book Awards Gold Medal

It was my honor to receive this award in December 2024.

Editorial Reviews



“The author’s main topic is vaccines, focusing on ways to improve their safety and efficacy…

…Heartland’s twist is to situate his claims in the life and work of Louis Pasteur, the discoverer of germs, developer of immunization, and (of course) inventor of pasteurization…

…the 16 solutions offered by Heartland to ensure the health of children and adults are quite cogent. These include stopping payoffs to clinics to promote vaccines, informed consent, using true placebos in trials, removing liability protection for vaccine manufacturers, and banning any unproven vaccines…

…the author does a good job of presenting the main issues and providing policy solutions.”                

Kevin Baldeosingh, Indie Reader Pro Review


“A timely take on the current state of vaccination science and policy in America, Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States by Stephen Heartland is an informative and potentially controversial guide for protecting your autonomy and health…

…Refreshingly, this book doesn’t attempt a complete takedown of Big Pharma, but is instead a well-structured presentation of arguments and potential solutions…

…His family’s personal experience with a child’s vaccine-related illness is heartbreaking and relatable, and though some may view her tragedy as anecdotal, and not a condemnation of the overall vaccination system, the pain and passion it has inspired in the author is very real, which is both moving and persuasive. His decision to seek and explain a middle path – a compromise on the binary of vaccine opposition – is therefore admirable, and becomes an unexpected vehicle for a much larger political message…

…The final chapter is the most hopeful, and one that may unite diverse readers, as it suggests clear and practical ways to become directly involved…

…Regardless of your political stance or firmly entrenched belief towards vaccines… this is an informative and inherently thought-provoking read.”

SPR, Self-Publishing Review

Hope For the Future

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It takes more than a book to initiate change, it takes people who care.