“Louis Pasteur brought us modern medicine with his Germ Theory of Disease. Big Pharma has perverted Pasteur’s methods by focusing on money. The results are systemic and unnecessary injuries and deaths.  

From his grave, Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma and its reckless pursuit of money.

Changes need to take place to restore sanity in medical research and healthcare…

…Inside this book are details of these solutions, how and why we strayed from the straight and narrow path of real science as outlined by Louis Pasteur, and how we can begin to find the path back towards sanity in the practice of scientific research and medicine. Big Pharma has money and power. Big Pharma does not want change. They like it as it is now, where they have control over us.

Change can come, but it will require us to work together to solve problems. Only by raising awareness of the problems and uniting together can we become a force of change.

The time for change is now.”


“Vaccination has its place in society. It has just gone a little overboard. It is being overdone. It has lost the process of common sense. The goal is to have healthy children with no medical issues or mental problems. We have strayed from this goal, a lot. There is a time and a place for some of the vaccines, but not all of them, and certainly not as they are recommended by the CDC.” 

“It is time to do a major rethinking of the recommended vaccine schedule, and at what age which vaccines should be given to maximize protection of our children from contagious diseases, while also protecting them from adverse effects from the vaccines.”

“Children’s bodies and brains are still in an early developmental stage of growth until at least the age of three. To inject infants with a variety of vaccines, which contain toxins and materials the body will recognize as foreign contaminants seems an ill-conceived ‘health’ policy. Before the age of one, it is not recommended by our healthcare organizations to allow a child to eat honey, because a child’s system is not developed enough to handle ‘natures perfect food.’ Currently, we are not only injecting infants with a plethora of vaccines in their first year but are starting them out with a vaccine on their first day on the planet. Is it any wonder why we have such rampant illness in the infant and adolescent population today? A little common sense appears to be needed here.”

“Too many vaccines with too many untested ingredients are being given too early to too many children and are causing too many problems in too many children.”

” ‘Safe and effective’ should not just be a slogan to promote vaccines. These words should represent truth after scientific proof has been established beyond doubt.”

“The only reason for a newborn to be infected with the hep B virus is that the mother who is infected can pass this virus to her child during the birthing process. Therefore, any vaccine injuries or related deaths for infants caused by the hep B vaccine for other than an infected mother are unneccessary.” 

” ‘Up to 7% or more’ of newborn infants are given antibiotics within the first three days after birth and almost all of them will receive a hep-B shot within the first day or two of life. This is a bad combination. To protect them from sepsis is understandable, but it is obviously overdone. This is another reason why hep-B vaccines should not be given routinely to all newborns. Toxins within the hep B vaccine plus antibiotics equals potentially adverse outcomes for these infants which can easily be avoided. After taking antibiotics yeast in the body can grow out of control, causing a variety of problems. Then to make things worse, we add more yeast into the infant’s body with the hep B vaccine, which contains brewer’s yeast. The combination of hep B vaccine and antibiotics directly after birth is not a good idea.” 

“It is often after this round of vaccines in the second month that the problems with the CDC recommended vaccine schedule come to light in the form of allergies and/or other autoimmune diseases emerging in our infants. Do not listen to your doctor if they say these conditions are typical and common. These conditions have become common, most likely because all the other children have overdosed on aluminum as well and are suffering along with you. The FDA and CDC appear to have approved and promoted toxic conditions to occur in the children of the United States.” 

“Pediatric offices are receiving money from Big Pharma, insurance companies, and/or the government to promote vaccinations. (Chapter 3 and 4 – Solution #1). This is a blatant conflict of interest. This corruption has gone too far. If you decide you don’t want any vaccines for your child, or you decide to stop the vaccines due to a post vaccine reaction or illness you suspect may be due to the vaccines given, then the pediatric office may kick you out or turn you away from their practice. (Chapter 3 and 4 – Solution #2). This is unconscionable. But it is happening somewhere every day in our country. This is wrong. These offices should be there for their patients. They should not rule over us. Pediatric offices are businesses. As businesses, they should not be able to discriminate against people due to their personal beliefs and choices.” 

“It is no secret that our state and federal politicians are taking money from Big Pharma, and have thereby become their minions, and do their bidding. They no longer represent us, the common people, but rather the interests of Big Money such as Big Pharma…

…Likewise, it is no secret that our government regulators who are supposed to be watchdogs for the people of America have been corrupted. They are more like a watchdog who opens the door for the criminals and helps them carry away the ill-gotten goods. Who needs a watchdog like that?”

“If people know the vaccines which are available, and understand their benefits and risks, they will come of their own volition and take the vaccines themselves or request them for their children. There should be no compulsion by the state to force vaccinations of any kind. If these vaccines are worthy of merit and consideration, and the people are given enough information concerning their risks and benefits, then the people will seek them out of their own accord and be able to decide whether or not the vaccinations are right for themselves and their families…

…The people of the United States are intelligent people. Provide the information and allow them to decide. Vaccination should always be a choice, and never a mandate.” 

“If you go to the grocery store and buy food, the ingredients are on the label, and you can look at it and determine if you want the item for yourself and your family. This should be done with vaccines as well…

…Perhaps the reason Big Pharma, the doctors, and the nurses make the ingredients more difficult to find is that the recipients of these vaccines would be more reluctant to take these products if they knew what was in them. Eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) does not seem like such a big deal when you compare this with injecting formaldehyde and insect poison directly into your veins.”

“According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), borax has been banned as a food additive due to safety concerns. They clearly state that it is not safe to ingest. Borax is banned as a food additive in the United States because it is a known toxin. It is used as a pesticide. It may keep your home free from pests like ants and roaches by killing them, but why on earth would the FDA approve this chemical to be injected directly into anyone’s bloodstream, especially the bloodstreams of innocent young children?” 

“There are quite a few other ingredients within the vaccines which could be a cause for concern, but I will not list them all out. The point is that all these vaccine ingredients have one thing in common: none of them have been tested for safety in humans or infants. You would think that men of ‘science,’ especially the ones at the FDA and CDC who are supposed to be protecting the people and children of the United States, would be interested in knowing what effects all these different ingredients may have on the human body and brain. But apparently, they are not. We must ask why. Again, the FDA and the CDC have some explaining to do to the people of America.” 

“Transparency should become the new motto and paradigm of modern science…

…If we could just bring these drug and vaccine trials out into the open, for all the public to see, then Big Pharma and all their minions would be unable to hide their obvious malfeasance of duty towards the people of the United States and our children. Louis Pasteur did not mind opening all his books, his laboratory, and his experiments to the public view, because he had nothing to hide. With truth on your side, there is nothing to hide…

…Transparency will create an Incentive for Truth and a Disincentive for Fraud… 

…If we set up a more transparent system, this will provide incentives for truth and honesty, and disincentives for lies and deceit…

…With transparency, the public will be able to “trust, but verify” the science.” 

Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma and their current trial and error tinkering on human bodies based on hypotheses, and without proven and verifiable scientific facts. He condemns our government and its agencies for permitting this, and then promoting this. He condemns our elected officials for taking money from Big Pharma and their lobbyists to enact laws which favor Big Pharma and promote their vaccines. He condemns doctors and their offices for accepting money for promoting vaccines for their patients, which clouds their decision-making process and divides their interests. He condemns Big Pharma from hiding vaccine and drug trial information, from start to finish, while they declare it to be ‘proprietary information.’ He condemns mandating people to take unproven experimental vaccines which may cause injury or death. He condemns the scientists for bowing to pressure from above, valuing money and career over truth, and falsifying data and misleading the public so that Big Pharma can prosper and profit. Let us no longer allow these blatant conflicts of interest, lies, deceit, and scientific fraud.” 

“The people of America are a great people, and the United States is a great country. Why do people from all around the world want to come here? Because of our system of laws. Because of our freedoms. Because people can dream whatever they want to dream, and in this country, they can make their dream become a reality. This is the American Dream. But freedom, liberty, and justice do not come without a price. Corruption always rears its ugly head as those who seek profit can ruin our great country to make gain for themselves. We need to fight against those who place their own interests above and against the lives, health, and welfare of the people and children of America.”