Vaccine Injury: Theories of Vaccine Related childhood illnesses

The following is an excerpt from the book Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States.

Theories of Vaccine Related Childhood Illness

It was Hippocrates that claimed that diseases begin in the gut, or as we call it today, the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Apparently, he was right about this, as our current view on this topic has not really changed that much since his time. Thousands of years later we have learned much more about the body and how it works. We invented new things that proved beneficial to mankind, like antibiotics and vaccines. In fact, it is these two newer things which may be responsible for the sudden and relentless surge in what are now common childhood diseases, such as allergies, ear infections, and neurodevelopmental diseases (NDD), such as ADHD, Autism, and other early childhood cognitive and/or physical impairments.

The theory is fairly simple. And it is in three parts. First, infant’s bodies and their defense systems are immature, and cannot handle all these vaccinations. During the first year of life, we do not even recommend children eat honey, “nature’s perfect food,” because the young and delicate system of a child cannot handle it. Why should we believe that vaccines which include toxins, preservatives, adjuvants, and foreign particles injected directly into infant’s bloodstreams be considered a good idea? If you look at the charts of history and vaccination since the early 1970s, you will see that the number of vaccines recommended has gone up dramatically, and concurrently the number of childhood diseases has gone up in tandem. Of course, this may just be a coincidence, but the evidence and patterns seem to indicate otherwise.

Secondly, we use, and often abuse antibiotics. When kids get sick, we give them antibiotics. As you may or may not know, antibiotics kill bacteria. They kill bacteria indiscriminately, both the good bacteria and the bad bacteria, which was making you ill. After taking these antibiotics, your body’s immune system is wide open, exposed, and unprotected to other ills it normally would be able to fight off. Without the good bacteria, and with a weakened immune system, things can go awry, and quickly. It takes time for your body to build up its walls of defense again. One of these lines of defense is the good bacteria in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. You can buy probiotics in the store to replace some of the good bacteria which was lost due to the antibiotics. This will help restore beneficial bacteria in your gut. It is important to note here that this rebuilding of good bacteria in your gut with or without probiotics takes time.

Now, let’s combine these two things, antibiotics and vaccines, into the worst of all scenarios. Your child was sick and had taken antibiotics recently. And you have not given this child any probiotics, or enough time to rebuild a good colony of bacteria in their GI tract. Therefore, the body’s defenses are still down, and your doctor tells you that doesn’t matter, because your child appears to be fine now, and vaccines are proven to be “safe and effective,” so there is no real danger. You go ahead and let the doctor, or their nurse administer vaccines to your child. What we have in this situation are toxins and other foreign materials injected directly into an immunocompromised and therefore weakened body. That doesn’t sound like a great idea, does it?

And thirdly, and finally, there is the toxic overload theory. For some, this toxic overload is caused by too many vaccines, and too soon. For the people who advocate this theory, the sheer number of toxins within the vaccines, and the repeated exposure to these with each additional vaccine causes an overload to the system, which causes these adverse effects that are prevalent today. There are a lot of toxins in these vaccines, so this theory is plausible. For other doctors and scientists, the toxic overload is linked primarily to aluminum, and the accumulation of aluminum within the body and brain with each additional vaccination causing aluminum poisoning. Aluminum poisoning and its side effects do match up with the symptoms and maladies of many of the adversely affected children, ranging from allergies to mental impairment, so there certainly is merit with this theory, also.

The result of these three scenarios added up together is what we are seeing today. An explosion in cases of allergies, autoimmune diseases, ear infections, ADHD, autism, and NDD (neuro developmental disorders), etc. How bad are the numbers currently? Here they are:

“1 in 2.5 children has an allergy. 1 in 6 children has a developmental disability. 1 in 9 children has ADHD. 1 in 11 children has asthma. 1 in 13 children have severe food allergies. 1 in 36 children has autism.” 1.

50 years ago, these “diseases” were either unknown or extremely rare. Now they are common, and our doctors and the medical “experts” are trying to convince us that these illnesses are “normal”, and probably have genetic causes.

What can we do to stop this? I think a little common sense would go a long way here. Trust me though, when I say there may be a little more than just simple opposition to change, because this would be going against the hand of Big Pharma and its minions, some of whom we voted for, and others who are stationed in other Big Pharma branches of power like the CDC and the FDA. These three letter agencies were originally designed to protect us. Just look and see what happened. Follow the money involved to better see the truth. There are conflicts of interest and corruption everywhere. The governmental agencies which were created to protect and serve the American people appear to have been manipulated into becoming paid minions of Big Pharma. They no longer appear to be serving the people they were supposed to be protecting. There is simply too much money being pushed at them, and they appear unable to say “no” to this money.

1.4 Conclusion: The Middle Path of Reason

What should we do? A good starting place would be to limit the number of vaccines in infancy to only what you believe as a parent is absolutely necessary. Do not blindly trust your government, the CDC, or the FDA with your health or your children’s health. These institutions have been compromised by Big Pharma and their money and power. Where there is a lot of money sloshing around, you can be sure to find enormous conflicts of interest…

…What else? When you decide which vaccines to give your child, and when to give them, please make sure your child is feeling well. Make sure their system can handle a vaccination. A sick child has a weakened immune system. If you have given them antibiotics recently, and they have recovered from their illness, please give them probiotics for a while before you consider any vaccinations, so the good bacterium in their intestinal tract has a chance to recover. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is where the majority of illnesses begin (70-80%). A healthy GI tract is the main part of our body’s natural defense system.

It is important to look up the vaccine ingredients as well. These can be found on the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) site under disease/vaccine types, such as hepatitis B, then look for specific brand of hep B vaccine, such as Engerix, then go to the ingredient lists. For an FDA internet search, type in FDA package insert Engerix, and it should pop up right away. Then look through the package insert (PI) to find the vaccine ingredient list. The NVIC site is much easier to find pertinent information you may be looking for. If you can take a few minutes to read the food label ingredients in the grocery store aisle to see if these products are healthy, wouldn’t it make sense to take a few minutes to do the same thing with vaccines? Your child’s health and even life may depend on it. The CDC has recommendations, and these recommendations should not be considered mandates by anyone, any medical practice, or any government group or entity. Most states in the United States do not mandate any of these vaccines. Some of these vaccines do not seem to be necessary, and certainly not at the time of life they are recommended. The point is that the decision is usually up to you…

… Science is based on patterns, and these patterns appear to be showing us that too many vaccines, at too young of an age are causing deleterious effects in our children, both mentally and physically. It is time to do a major rethinking of the recommended vaccine schedule, and at what age which vaccines should be given to maximize protection of our children from contagious diseases, while also protecting them from adverse effects from the vaccines. “Safe and effective” should not just be a slogan to promote vaccines. These words should represent truth after scientific proof has been established beyond doubt.

1. Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness. Thomas Cowan M.D. 2018. Pg 13-14

If you would like to read more on this subject, the following is a link to my book on Amazon:

LOUIS PASTEUR CONDEMNS BIG PHARMA: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States: Heartland, Stephen: 9798990472112: Books…

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