MY STORY: Part 1 – The birth of our child and her first vaccine, the hep B vaccine.


I will try to stay on topic and note only the salient points in my story that correlate with the points I am trying to make. Please forgive me if I digress, but reliving parts of this story fills me with memories of heartbreak and unhappiness, which then turns into frustration and anger. After the anger cools off, and I regain my senses, there is a heartfelt wish to help others, and to let them know what happened to my daughter, and therefore also to my wife and I, so they may spare themselves from the mistakes we made as new parents, and hopefully all or at least some of the pain and misery that we suffered when our daughter was vaccine damaged by the healthcare system and pediatric clinics which blindly follow the CDC recommended vaccine schedule.

Love, Marriage, and a Baby

Love and marriage happen. I believe I am a very lucky man and have One from above who is looking down upon me with favor. After a few years of marriage, my wife and I were to have a child. A very exciting time. And no, I was not ready for it. Is anyone really ready for it, no matter how much they prepare?

When you are preparing to have a child, it is a daunting task. There are numerous doctor visits. It is a difficult time to go through, even as a close acquaintance of the family, a family member, and/or a friend of the couple soon to bring a new child into the world. So many questions, so many things to do, so many things to learn. But, as they all say, it will be over soon, and you will have your baby, and then you can enjoy all the fruits of parenthood.

But the turmoil certainly does not stop at the moment of birth. There are many other things to consider. Many soon to be parents read the now standard “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” and “What to Expect The First Year” as guides and tools to deal with the problems that come up, and as we all know, problems do come up. Sometimes not many, sometimes as in a waterfall they come, for every couple is different, every child is different, and the trials and tribulations come.

My wife and I did exactly what many parents did in our situation. We had insurance in place to cover this process, and we had an OB/GYN to get us through the birth of our child. We also had a pediatrician to help us with decisions concerning our child along the way. Since the majority of these doctors in the medical industry follow standard practices and procedures, we fell into the camp of going along with their recommendations. We had faith they knew what they were doing. After all, this process of birthing a child and guiding the parents was part of their job, and these doctors had a great deal of experience, and we had none. So, we trusted them.  

My beautiful daughter QK – The first days of life

When our baby was born, a beautiful girl named QK, we were very happy. It signified a change in our lives. We were no longer just a couple; we were now a family. It was an exciting time of life.

On the first day after QK was born, a nurse came into the hospital room with a syringe to administer the child’s first vaccine, the hepatitis B (hep B) vaccine. I asked, “What is this?” Then she told me, “It is the hep B vaccine. It is the standard shot we administer to newborns.” We did not do this vaccination the first day. We wanted to call our doctor first and ask him about it. He recommended it. He told us that our daughter should receive it, and that it is the first vaccine on the recommended vaccination schedule that children receive. We were trusting, and we went along with this shot. After all, it is routine, and it was, in fact, noted in the aforementioned books as the first standard vaccine to be given after birth.

At the time they administered the hep B shot, I did not really know what hep B was. We went along with their advice, and they gave QK the shot. I couldn’t check the internet at the hospital on my phone at the time, since smart phones that accessed the internet were not yet in common use, and we did not have one. It was 2010.

At the time, I ruminated about this shot, as probably most parents would who were in my shoes. I wondered why they would give a newborn this shot right after birth. Then I figured it must be to prevent babies from getting hospital related infections. Maybe some of the hospital staff do not follow sanitary practices before handling babies and washing their hands after each one. Perhaps they are just protecting our baby from harm.

In fact, that is probably what many people in my shoes would have thought, because I knew no better at the time. We are taught when young to trust doctors and nurses, that they know better than we do, that they know what to do concerning a newborn’s health.  

Post-Vaccination Regret After Extensive Research

What I did not know at the time was the true reason for the hep B vaccine, which is protection of the child from parents who are drug users sharing needles, parents who are having sex with multiple partners, and/or hep B contaminated blood from the mother being passed to the child. If I had known about this, then I would have said no. But I did not know. I listened to them. I believed what they were doing was right. I believed they were telling me the truth, that they were helping and protecting QK. They had all the experience in this situation. Since my wife and I were new parents, we were already overwhelmed, and so we trusted them, and QK received the vaccine.

I did not know at the time the toxins that were present in the hep B vaccine. In addition to the neurotoxic ingredient aluminum, which in and of itself is an overdose of aluminum for an infant, there were other toxins included within the shot which may have contributed to the toxic buildup which would inevitably damage my child for life.

As I learned more regarding this first standard vaccine for a child, my understanding of it changed, along with my perspective and opinion. Now, after the reading and analysis I have done on this virus and its vaccine, I consider the current CDC recommendation of hep B vaccine to be “the first standard mistake done by the healthcare system to a human being after birth in the United States.”

Now, after this research, there is no possible way I would have permitted them to touch my newborn child with a vaccine for hep B after birth, as it is totally unnecessary at this time of a child’s life, unless the mother of the newborn is infected with the hep B virus. I would call this my first mistake as a parent of a newborn child. And yes, it is a regret, even now after many years.

Next Week: The facts about the hep B virus and the hep B vaccine. It will be an excerpt from my book:

Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States

The link for my book:

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