About Stephen Heartland

My Book: Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States
To create awareness that children are being systemically hurt by the current CDC recommended vaccination schedule and healthcare practices in this country.
2. To inform parents of what is truly happening regarding science, medicine, and healthcare, so that they will be able to make better choices for their children.
3. To expose the collusion and corruption of Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Tech and their current practices to the public, so the public will no longer be deceived and manipulated.
4. To effect changes within the system, and/or create new laws, so that people and their children are protected by a system which promotes health and safety and is not focused primarily on profits.
My Disclaimer:
The author is not a medical doctor, is not trained in any related field of medicine, and has no work-related medical expertise. The information contained within this website is based upon the research and experiences of the author, is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for medical care and advice. If you need medical care or advice, please seek professional guidance from your own healthcare provider. The author’s book, this website, the solutions presented for healthcare, the blog, and the opinions within these, are disseminated and distributed with the understanding that the author is not providing medical, legal, or other advice to the reader, and that the author is not liable for or responsible for any injury, loss, or damage allegedly arising from this information. The views contained herein are the author’s opinions. It is still possible to have an opinion in the United States of America, one can only hope, without the constant threat of legal action taking place against them.
My story, and how my life affected my beliefs
Big Pharma and Healthcare in the United States have affected my life.
I lost my father due to a “routine” operation when he was in his 80’s. There is no such thing as a routine operation when you are this age. Good insurance is often considered as a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for some doctors, who look upon it as their potential treasure.
My mother suffered mightily at the hands of Big Pharma. She began with one pill for one condition, which caused a different problem which required another medication, and then it became a dozen pills per day for multiple conditions. Taking a dozen or more pills while doctors “manage your conditions” is no way to live life. If you have lived long enough, you know this type of story or even may be living it. She died as the result of an injury sustained while in a doctor’s care in his place of business.
My child suffered injuries after vaccination, and still has issues due to these conditions. My wife, child, and I suffered for many years due to these vaccine injuries. The doctors denied the conditions were vaccine related, even though the timing of vaccinations corresponded closely with the injuries. Denial in doctor’s offices regarding vaccine injuries is widespread, and “genetics” is often used as a reason for the conditions.
Despite this, I am not an anti-vaxxer. Louis Pasteur, the “Father of Vaccinology,” is one of my heroes. Vaccines have their place in medicine and healthcare. The problem is that too many vaccines too soon with too many untested ingredients are causing too many problems in too many children. Pattern recognition over the past 50 years bears the truth of this fact.
Due to my daughter’s vaccine injuries, I began searching for answers to questions I had, and cures for her conditions. After much research, helpful information was found. Although this information did not cure her, it at least made these conditions more manageable.
After many years of research, I decided that I wanted to share what I have learned, and what conclusions I have arrived at regarding vaccines, drugs, and healthcare in the United States. If anyone else could be helped and avoid the mistakes I made by trusting this current healthcare system and the CDC’s highly questionable recommended vaccine schedule, then at least my daughter’s suffering could become a blessing for others, and less children in the future may suffer from unnecessary vaccine related injuries and/or deaths.
There are many things wrong with our healthcare system. I saw a need for someone to plainly state what is happening, and I have proposed solutions to these problems in my book Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States. This is my first book, and I hope those who read it find it to be useful in their lives and helpful to understand what is truly happening in science, medicine, and healthcare today.