Book Review: Healing and Preventing Autism. Written by Jenny McCarthy and Jerry Kartzinel, M.D. 2009

Every now and then, I read a book which requires a summary, so I can cement into place what I learned within my own mind. This book is one of these. Jenny and Dr. Jerry do not hold back even some of the most personal details of their lives, because they believe that if this information can help others, it is worth the effort and risk of exposing these personal life details. I commend them for their honesty and their information. In a nutshell, Jenny and Dr. Jerry state that autistic children and children who suffer from vaccine injuries can improve dramatically or even be healed completely by removing toxic exposures, having a better diet, and using supplements beneficial for health.

Autism is not genetic. Autism is caused by toxic poisoning, either in the environment and/or from vaccines. Most people do not have exposure to extreme environmental contaminants which would cause autism in their children, so the vast majority of cases appears to be due to toxic exposure from the vaccine schedule. If this is true, then there should be a way to detoxify from at least some of the vaccine damage done. And there is. Many thousands have attested to the fact that by following certain methods, they have severely lessened the problems of their children’s autism.

Autism can occur to a child after vaccination. It can happen prior to the MMR vaccine. It may appear after the MMR vaccine. It can happen whenever the limit of their body’s ability to deal with the amount of poisons inserted into it by vaccination is exceeded. Hopefully, autism will never come. It is important to watch the signs. If your child starts having ear infections, rashes, or allergies, then toxins from the vaccines are beginning to adversely affect your child. If eczema happens, this is the body’s attempt to eliminate the poisons from within. Eczema literally means from its Greek origin “to boil” or to “to come out by boiling.” This is what the body attempts to do. To boil out the poisons from within. If any of these signs are present, it may be wise to stop the vaccinations until these conditions have been eliminated.

In the doctor’s office. It is important to note that eczema is not normal, which may be contrary to what your doctor may tell you. It has only become “normal” due to many other children also being systemically poisoned by vaccines. When your doctor tells you it is normal, has nothing at all to do with the vaccines, and is probably a genetic condition, do not believe it. Many of these doctors believe this is true, because they honestly do not know. Many other doctors connect the dots and know eczema is a reaction due to the vaccines, and these are being disingenuous if they say it is normal and has nothing to do with the vaccines.

The truth is more often than not that their pediatric practice is pushing vaccines regardless of whether it may adversely affect your child because they are getting paid to push vaccines for money. These payoffs to promote vaccination by insurance companies, pharma companies, and government should be removed from doctor’s offices, because they are a conflict of interest. Children are being vaccine injured and must deal with lifelong injuries due to these vaccine promotions and payoffs (bribes/inducements), which divide the doctor’s interest away from promoting health of children towards a focus on money.

Eczema appears to be a major signpost on the way to autism. Many autistic children also have eczema as a comorbidity. I was fortunate enough to stop my daughter’s vaccinations before she became autistic due to toxic overload caused by vaccination. Although she did not become autistic, she suffered from rhinitis and severe eczema after her second month vaccinations. These vaccination injuries appear to be lifelong injuries, as she still suffers from these conditions today, which is more than 10 years after this round of vaccinations. To deal with these conditions, we went with the western medicine approach at first. But their philosophy is not to cure patients, but rather to manage the disease so you need to keep coming back to them. After we went to the allergist, the skin doctors, and other specialists, then we went to a naturopath, and she prescribed many of the same helpful toxic removal techniques which are outlined in this book by Jenny and Dr. Jerry. We utilized these techniques, and they proved to be effective. Although my daughter was not completely cured from her conditions, her symptoms have decreased enough for her to have a fairly normal life today.

Vaccines can cause allergies. If you and/or your children have allergies of any kind, chances are extremely high that these allergies were caused by vaccination. The number of allergies has increased so much over the last 40-50 years, that Jenny stated “one in three children” has an allergy of some kind. This coincides with the vast increase in the number of vaccinations which are recommended by the CDC. The correlation is irrefutable. The reason I mention this is because the suggestions by Jenny and Dr. Jerry in their book may be helpful to anyone who has any kind of allergic condition caused by these toxic exposures. Therefore, the book isn’t just to help the kids, it is also helpful for all of us who want to live healthier lives.

Sugar is also an enemy. It causes overgrowth of yeast in your gut. Normally, there is a delicate balance in your intestines between healthy bacteria and yeast. Sugars can disrupt this balance and can cause yeast to overwhelm your body’s natural defenses against disease and create health problems. Sugar weakens the immunity system and makes it hard for your body to fight disease. Jen and Dr. Jerry are not just talking about candy and sodas, or the kind you put in your coffee. They are also talking about fruits and fruit juices. Anything which can be converted into sugar by your body can cause a dramatic increase of yeast in your system. When overgrowth of yeast overwhelms the gut, this causes problems for your immunity system, which is mostly based in your gut (GI tract). Typical signs that your immunity system is not working well include severe constipation, severe diarrhea, and stomach pain. Doctors will provide something for the symptoms, but rarely try to cure the underlying problems. Oftentimes, carbohydrates are the main culprit for most of us. Potatoes, noodles, rice, and bread. All these things produce sugar within your body and can potentially cause yeast problems. Obvious yeast problems such as diaper rash, cradle cap, jock itch, and vaginitis are caused by this yeast overload your body is trying to deal with. When you go to your doctor and he only recommends products that you apply to the affected part of your body, he isn’t curing you, he isn’t curing your underlying condition, and he certainly isn’t being a competent doctor. What should you do? Cutting back on the carbs, restricting sugar consumption, and taking some probiotics may be helpful to remove the underlying issues which may be causing these problems.

Most doctors do not try to cure disease. They try to manage illnesses with drugs. Less obvious problems due to sugars causing yeast overgrowth in children include ADD, ADHD, allergies, sinus infections, asthma, and learning disorders. For allergies, sinus infections, and asthma, your doctor will probably give you a prescription for some medication to deal with these problems. But these medicines won’t cure you, they will only temporarily alleviate the symptoms. For behavioral or learning issues, what do you think the doctor will recommend? Ritalin, Adderall, or some other form of methylphenidate. Again, the doctors are not curing the illness, they are managing the symptoms with drugs. This does not help the children, but cements into them a belief that drugs are the only answer. The truth and reality are that vaccines most likely caused an injury and created an extreme sensitivity to sugars and certain foods. To address these problems doctors see in their typical 5-10 minute office visit, they prescribe drugs as their quick and easy remedy. This is a disservice to children and their health. Our children are our treasure in this life. If you want to safeguard this treasure, it may require some work and effort. The real prescription for health is a diet with more vegetables and protein, less carbs and sugars, and probiotic supplementation. This diet will reduce the amount of sugar produced in the system, thereby reducing the yeast overgrowth in the intestines, and the problems yeast overgrowth can cause. This change will not be easy at first, but aren’t our children worth the effort? Should we accept the doctor’s quick and easy prescribed drugs to alleviate symptoms, or do we want to help our children be healthy in a natural way?

Probiotics. Any doctor who understands medicine should know that 70-80% of illnesses in the body come from the gut, or as we know it, the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). If we keep our GI tract and the good bacteria which live there healthy, the chances are high that we will remain healthy too. Probiotics install good bacteria into the body and can be helpful to control the yeast imbalances which can occur. Dr. Sears agrees, and in his book, titled The Vaccine Book, he recommends that children be given probiotics before they receive any vaccinations. Many of these vaccines contain antibiotics, which kill off all bacteria, including the good and the bad. Probiotics can be helpful to prevent vaccine related damage in children by preventing yeast overgrowth and keeping the gut healthy. Jenny and Dr. Jerry also emphasize that the addition of digestive enzymes may be helpful to break down the food in the stomach so the body can assimilate food properly.

Gluten free and Casein free diet. GFCF diet. Toxins from vaccines can cause allergic conditions in children. The allergies are often related to milk (casein) and wheat (gluten) products. Jenny noticed great improvements in her son’s condition when these things were removed from his diet. It certainly does seem that many people have sensitivities to these types of products since the CDC recommended vaccine schedule has been expanded. Many children have been helped by adhering to this GFCF diet.

Hep B vaccine is not necessary for all newborns. Other than children born of mothers infected with hep b virus, hep b vaccine is totally unnecessary for newborns. Hep B disease is more closely related to adults or young adults making poor lifestyle choices, like sleeping around and having unprotected sex, or by sharing contaminated needles. These are things newborn babies are not going to be exposed to. Therefore, it seems logical to wait until a preteen year just before high school for the administration of this shot. Just because they are trying to protect newborns with hep b infected mothers does not mean they should poison the rest of the newborn population with the hep b vaccine and its toxic ingredients. We should reduce unnecessary toxic exposures any time we can to preserve the health of our children.

Dr. Jerry recommends no vaccines at all for the first three years of a child’s life, as these are formative years for their young bodies and brains. The exception to this rule is if the children go to daycare or are exposed to many other children on a routine basis, and therefore are exposed to the contagious diseases of these other children. In this case, he recommends picking the vaccines that will give the child protection from common contagious diseases. I wanted to re-emphasize the fact that no amount of interaction between these young children with each other can give them hep B virus. Hep B is simply not a contagious childhood disease.

In the first year of life, Dr Jerry recommends only the HIB shot for a parent who is worried about infectious disease. Other than this, he states that mother’s milk will provide the best protection for children to remain disease free.

This book was a treasure trove of information and is a recommended read. There is much more to it than I have provided above. Please apply the information that makes sense into your own life and see if it is helpful. Exercise, a good diet, and some supplements sound like reasonable advice. If you take care of the health of your gut, then your gut can help take care of you and your health.

Thanks for reading.

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