GREEN OUR VACCINES: THE Unfinished Business of Jim Carey, Jenny McCarthy, and the “Too Many, Too Soon” Movement.

About 20 years ago, the “Green our vaccines” and the “too many, too soon” movement regarding vaccines was already in progress when Jenny McCarthy joined the cause. She brought her star power, and her friends like Jim Carey into the movement, and this gave the movement strength, and most important of all, it brought awareness of this issue to everyone in America. Jennifer McCarthy and Jim Carey are exceptionally intelligent and talented people, and they wanted to do something about the ongoing problems in healthcare, especially regarding the recommended CDC vaccine schedule in the United States that they believed was hurting children. Their message was that too many vaccines were being given too soon to infants and toddlers, especially the MMR vaccine, and these were systematically hurting our children, and causing autism and other vaccine injuries.

What happened to the movement? Where did it go? Did they resolve any of the issues which were causing vaccine injuries among children?

The movement created a wave of support, but the wave did not reach high enough to implement any long-lasting changes. Big Pharma has all the connections, the money and power, politicians, government organizations, and medical establishment in the palm of their hands. Most importantly of all, they have Big Tech and the media to portray Jennifer and Jim as Hollywood flakes that are anti-vaccine and anti-science and should not be taken seriously. Eventually, the wave became smaller in size and finally dissipated. It seemed like Big Pharma had won another battle to preserve their control. But the war still rages on.

Even today if you look at Wikipedia and commentary regarding Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey, they are labeled as anti-vaxxers and anti-science. Wikipedia even states plainly that the theory vaccines cause autism is a “disproven idea.” So much for impartiality. If Wikipedia can state as a fact the theory that vaccines can cause autism is a “disproven idea,” then I feel it is safe to plainly state that Wikipedia is a known source of misinformation. Wikipedia appears to be a minion of Big Pharma, and they are not alone. The tentacles of Big Pharma reach far and wide. Most online news sources and purveyors of vaccine information have promoted taking all forms of vaccines, all the time because they have been “proven to be safe and effective.” This narrative has been promoted while those who advocate caution or hesitancy in regard to vaccines have been censored and blocked by most online platforms. Elon Musk of Twitter (now X) and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook admitted that their organizations were part of this censorship effort. Big Pharma has too much power.

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey are not anti-vaxxers. This is absolutely not true. If you go back and listen to their speeches and their conversations with doctors and the medical establishment, what they say is very reasonable. They state plainly they are not anti-vaccine, that they are for safe vaccines, that they believe that the invention of vaccines has been beneficial to humanity, but that vaccination has been overdone, and too many are being given too soon, and this appears to be causing a toxic overload in some children resulting in vaccine injuries that we are seeing. What they said still makes sense today.

If you really listen to what the doctors and the establishment talking heads were saying at the time in opposition to Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey, you will see their pattern of defense of Big Pharma. They state there is no scientific evidence that vaccines have caused any widespread problems like autism or any other neurodevelopmental diseases, and most of the time they speak in generalities and not of specific vaccines. Their pro-vaccine general argument for vaccines is disingenuous, and one most people agree with. Yes, vaccines have been beneficial overall for humanity. However, that doesn’t mean that more are better, and that if you take them earlier, that this is a smart idea. Just because polio vaccine has proven its worth does not mean that the hep B vaccine at birth and/or the MMR vaccines are “safe and effective.” Vaccines need to be studied on an individual basis, and not just as belonging to a group which includes smallpox and polio vaccines.

The fortunate thing about writing this now is that there have been almost another 20 years of information and scientific studies since Jennifer McCarthy and Jim Carey were fighting for truth and for people whose children were hurt due to the CDC vaccination schedule. This war is unfinished. It is a war worth fighting for. It is a war for the health and welfare of the children, and to protect them from the unnecessary systemic vaccine injuries which take place every day in the United States with the current CDC recommended vaccine schedule. This schedule needs to be changed.

Autism was 1 in 10,000 in 1970. At the time Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey (2005-2010) were fighting against the MMR vaccine, autism was 1 in 150. In less than 20 years, it has now become 1 in 36. If we listen to Big Pharma, or their minions in the Big Government or Big Media (TV news, internet news, and other media), this incredible rise in autism was due to genetics, industrial pollution, over-hygienic environments, older women having children, expanded diagnostic criteria, and/or socioeconomic links. Should we believe autism has increased by 300 times over 50 years due to these above cited reasons? This would appear to be a highly unlikely mathematical improbability. Then they clearly state that the increase in autism was not due to vaccinations in any way, because vaccines are proven to be “safe and effective,” and anyone who attempts to promote this theory is an anti-vaxxer, and a conspiracy theorist.

Since 1986, the CDC has significantly increased the number of recommended vaccines for children. This appears to be the most plausible reason for the meteoric rise in autism cases since this time. Vaccines contain toxins, which are poisons to the human body. These vaccine ingredients include aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, sodium borate (borax), and a host of other ingredients found in vaccines the human body would recognize as foreign contaminants. The health authorities in this country do not recommend infants eat honey, because their young and immature digestive systems cannot handle “nature’s perfect food.” But all these other poisons listed above pose no problem? This logic makes little sense. Would it not be safer and wiser to postpone some or all of these early vaccinations until baby’s digestive systems and internal organs can better handle these foreign contaminants and poisons?

With the increase in the number of vaccines, it should be no wonder that we are seeing a significant rise in autism and other childhood maladies such as ADHD, ear infections (otitis media), allergies, neurodevelopmental disabilities, eczema, rhinitis, and other vaccine related injuries. Too many vaccines with too many toxic ingredients are being given too soon and are causing too many problems in too many children.

It would seem rational and logical in lieu of these increased childhood maladies to do a reassessment of the CDC recommended vaccine schedule. And changes should take place immediately, such as the delaying of the hepatitis B vaccine until a preteen year. This vaccine was placed on the CDC recommended vaccine schedule for doubtful reasons back in 1991. The only reason to give your newborn child a hep B vaccine is if the mother tests positive for this disease. If the mother does not have hep b virus, then they are unnecessarily injecting the poisons from this vaccine into the veins of newborns, and this makes very little sense. Things need to change. We need to force those in power to change policies which are hurting the youngest among us which have no voice to defend themselves.

A little common sense is needed here. In 1970, no one really even heard of or knew of autism, or knew of anyone with autistic children, and it was reported to be 1 in 10,000 at the time. And now all of us have seen autistic children, they seem to be everywhere. Something more than just an increase in diagnosis is going on which created a 300-fold increase in autism since 1970.

Future blogs will dive more deeply into the specific concerns and the science surrounding vaccination. Just to let you know where I stand, I am in harmony with the position of Jennifer McCarthy and Jim Carey. I am a believer in the value of vaccination. Louis Pasteur, “The Father of Vaccinology,” is one of my heroes. If only Pasteur were here now to prove to the public how Big Pharma scientists have pushed unproven theories as scientific fact, and worst of all, that these theories have been pushed on the public to pursue money and are currently injuring children and people on a routine basis.

Some of today’s recommended CDC vaccine schedule is based upon scientific fraud and political corruption. I cover this topic in depth in my book: “Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States.” The link for this book can be found here:

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