16 Solutions


16 Solutions for Healthcare in the U.S.

Things can change, but it will take time, effort, and people who care about these issues and solving these problems to help make this change happen. I have researched this material, and come up with 16 solutions for problems related to vaccines, drugs, and healthcare in the United States. I have verified these existing problems with multiple sources and arrived at solutions to these problems. This list is by no means an exhaustive list of everything which should be done. It is, I believe, a good start to the changes in the system which should be implemented to improve medical science and healthcare in this country.

These 16 solutions could, and I believe should be stand-alone laws either on a state-wide basis or at the federal level. Some of these changes will not work only on a state level. For instance, making the definition of placebos clear as being only “saline solutions or sugar pills” would be a great new law. This would require a federal law to change this policy. Big Pharma will certainly oppose this change in law, and they will likely pay a large amount of money to our lawmakers to prevent this. We must find a way to overcome their lies, deceit, and corruption in politics, science, medicine, and healthcare. The obstacles for these changes are high, but they can be overcome. 

Solution #1. ELIMINATE PAYOFFS IN CLINICS TO PROMOTE VACCINATIONS. It should be illegal for doctors to accept bonuses or other incentives from insurance or pharmaceutical companies for vaccinating patients. This practice is clearly a conflict of interest.

When you take your child to a doctor, you want them to focus on your child and their health, and not on a yearend bonus some other company is paying to push vaccines. These bonuses/kickbacks provide a monetary incentive to the doctor and their office not related to the patient’s health, which is clearly a conflict of interest, and should be illegal. Without this bonus/kickback in their minds, perhaps the doctors can get back in the business of simply taking care of their patients, answering their questions, and providing them with better overall healthcare. If the pediatric office has no money dangling over their them in the form of bonuses/kickbacks, then there should be no incentive to bar entrance to any family who wants to receive healthcare, unless the office is so full that they cannot accommodate new patients. This taking away of the bonus/kickback money will remove prejudice and bias against those who do not want to follow the recommended vaccine schedule, or who question the safety of the vaccines. And thereby, all patients will receive equal healthcare service under the law without bias. After all, isn’t this, shouldn’t this be the goal? 

Solution #2. PRACTICE INFORMED CONSENT WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Parents and their children should not be refused service by any pediatric office due to their personal beliefs on vaccinations, nor should they be kicked out of these offices for refusal to take any vaccines or by not complying with following the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule. The doctors should be practicing informed consent, educating parents and children on vaccines and their benefits and risks, and allowing them to decide whether or not they wish to vaccinate.

Conflicts of interest should be removed from these offices, and families should never be forced to “follow the vaccine schedule, and keep up with the vaccines, or find a new pediatrician.” The pediatrician’s job should be to inform and advise, and not to use excessive force or pressure to promote vaccinations. Who is serving who? Parents should have the ultimate authority to decide if and when vaccines should be given to their children.  

Solution #3. PARENTS SHOULD DECIDE WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THEIR CHILDREN. No drugs, vaccines, or medical procedures of any kind should be given or done to any child without the knowledge, approval, and consent of the parents or guardians of that child. No federal funding for children’s services within individual states for foster care or adoption should be allowed, as this violates the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, and encourages medical kidnapping by the states. Medical kidnapping by the state and their children’s health services due to a difference of professional medical opinion in health treatments for children should be disallowed. Doctors make mistakes. Therefore, one doctor’s diagnosis or opinion should never be considered enough evidence to take a child away from their parents. The parents/guardians, along with the advice of their own healthcare providers and not the state, shall determine what the acceptable treatment, if any, for any health condition present in their children should be. Parental rights and determination regarding children’s health treatment in cooperation with a licensed healthcare provider supersedes any local medical or governmental authority.

This recent movement to take away the rights and responsibilities from parents or their guardians must stop. It makes no sense. Children are not old enough or mature enough to make decisions which could affect the rest of their lives. They are children, and do not have the experience to make such decisions. This is a parent’s job. Parents are the ones responsible for their children, not the state, the school, or the doctor’s office. If others do these things without parental consent or knowledge and the child is killed or injured permanently from medical treatments, procedures, drugs, or vaccines, then who will be responsible for burying the child, or taking care of the disabled child for the remainder of their lives? It is the parents. Therefore, parents should have the ultimate authority over their children and their healthcare until the children become adults, at which time they can then make their own decisions for their lives and their healthcare options. The exception to this rule is if the children (<18 years old) are emancipated from their parents and/or are living apart from their parents and are responsible for their own welfare.

Solution #4: DELAY HEP-B VACCINATION UNTIL A PRE-TEEN YEAR. This is not a vaccine for infants. Hepatitis B vaccine should not be administered to infants directly after birth, unless the mother is infected with this virus and could pass it along to the child. All pregnant women should be screened for hep B infection. Recommended age of hep B vaccination should be changed to a preteen year just before high school. Notify the parents/guardians and mandate that a warning label be placed on hep B vaccines indicating aluminum levels within the vaccine exceeds FDA safety levels for parenteral aluminum, which may result in aluminum toxicity.

Other than vaccinating a newborn because of a hep B positive mother, there is no reason to vaccinate for hep B at this age. Hep B is not contagious, cannot be spread by sneezing, coughing, breathing, sharing utensils, or even hugging and kissing. It is a disease passed from one person to another by sexual contact, or by the sharing of needles when using drugs. Infants and young children do not engage in behaviors that would put them at risk for hep B disease. There is no benefit for a newborn taking this vaccine, but there is real potential for damage from the vaccine and its ingredients. The risk of this vaccine is not worth the benefit at this age. Administration of hep B vaccine at birth may confer immunity for hep B virus for 10-15 years, but this immunization protection begins to wear off at a time of life when these children and young adults most need this protection. It would make more sense to recommend this vaccine in a pre-teen year just before high school.

Aluminum levels in the hep B vaccine exceed FDA safety levels for parenteral nutrition. In fact, there is almost 14 times more aluminum in the hep B vaccine than allowable by the FDA for parenteral nutrition aluminum exposure for an 8-pound baby. While the FDA allows vastly more aluminum content in vaccines than in parenteral drugs (34 times more per FDA), parents should be made aware of these differences in FDA guidelines, and of the risks of aluminum exposure and potential toxicity to their infants.

Note: The information noted for hep B virus and related vaccines can be found on the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) website and the NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) website.

Solution #5: ELIMINATE GARDASIL FROM THE LIST OF RECOMMENDED VACCINES. HPV vaccine known as Gardasil (currently Gardasil 9) should be removed immediately from the list of CDC recommended vaccines, and also from any state or federal vaccine requirements. If Merck cannot prove the benefit over the risk, then it should be removed from the recommended list.

The known risks of this vaccine far outweigh the known benefits of taking it. The effectiveness of HPV vaccines against cancer has never been tested or proven. There is no evidence that HPV vaccines have prevented cancer of any kind. But there is ample evidence that HPV vaccines have caused death and disability in many people worldwide. There are many class action lawsuits in various countries around the world against the HPV vaccine makers due to these deaths and injuries. Gardasil vaccine contains sodium borate, also known as borax, which is commonly used as a pesticide. Sodium borate is not allowed as a food additive in the United States due to its toxicity, but the FDA has allowed this same ingredient to be given by injection, directly into the bloodstream, as part of Gardasil vaccine. This is outrageous. The FDA and CDC have allowed doctors to inject pesticide into our children, and even encouraged it by placing this vaccine on the recommended vaccine list. This insanity must end. We should wait until this vaccine and its ingredients are proven to be safe and effective before we recommend children to take it. This vaccine appears to be all risk, with no provable benefit. The main reason this vaccine was introduced was for cervical cancer prevention. We already had the Pap smear, which is the best safeguard against cervical cancer. And the Pap smear and related cancer prevention therapies will not kill you or maim you for life. 

Solution #6: USE TRUE PLACEBOS AND NOT CHEMICALLY ACTIVE PRODUCTS AS PLACEBOS IN TRIALS. Use true harmless placebos in vaccine and drug trials and eliminate false placebos that contain chemically active ingredients. In the trial stages, all new drugs and vaccines should be compared to true placebos so that an accurate assessment of their risks and benefits to health can be properly measured. Have the FDA and CDC clearly define “placebos” as saline solutions or sugar pills.

A placebo, by definition, is a “harmless pill or medicine”. In practice and history, it has been a sugar pill or a saline solution, both of which are harmless to the human body. This has changed recently, and people have died and/or been injured from some of the false placebos used in clinical trials. These chemically active false placebos skew the results, and give biased and unreliable conclusions from the trials, which appear more favorable to the FDA, CDC, and other related governmental entities regulating drugs and vaccines, enabling pharmaceutical companies to get their products approved more easily, so they can make more money. This practice needs to stop. The WHO and FDA endorse saline placebos in drug and vaccine trials and note that saline placebos are valuable for evaluating the safety and efficacy of new drugs and vaccines. It may be difficult or impossible to assess fully the safety and the risk of a drug or vaccine when there is no true placebo. This is why pharmaceutical companies avoid saline placebos in the trials. They are not focused on the safety of people. They are focused on getting drugs and vaccines approved and making money. Let’s get back to the basics and return our focus to safety. Clearly define “placebos” as saline solutions or sugar pills. If we cannot assess the true risks of these new drugs and vaccines, then there cannot be true informed consent for people taking these products. 

Solution #7: BE TRANSPARENT – CLEARLY PUBLISH ALL DRUG AND VACCINE TRIAL DATA. Establish Drug and Vaccine Trial Transparency. All drug and vaccine trials, trial designs and methodologies, and the information obtained from them should be made public, from start to finish. In this way, the public will be informed of the true benefits and risks of these drugs and vaccines and be able to make informed decisions if and/or when they consent to their use. 

Drugs and/or vaccines are intended for public use. The public should be informed what the results of the test trials are for these drug and vaccine products. There should not be any of this “proprietary information” nonsense. These drugs and/or vaccines will be distributed and used by large segments of the population, so it is within the realm of the public interest for the true and unadulterated numbers from the trials be made readily available to the public at large so that the risks of taking these chemicals are widely known. We should be able to see and have access to all of the information, from the start of the trials to the finish, and not just the information after all the numbers have been picked through, manipulated, and subgroups within the trial population data selected to make the numbers look better for the FDA, CDC, and public consumption. We want the raw data of all the test trials. In this way the public will be properly informed of all the benefits and risks of taking these substances and be able to make better health care decisions. 

Solution #8: TEST INDIVIDUAL VACCINE INGREDIENTS FOR SAFETY. Each component within vaccines should be studied individually to demonstrate safety and to note any adverse effects they may have on health. The results of these studies should be public information.

Currently there is no requirement that individual ingredients within a vaccine be tested for safety by themselves, but there should be. How else could sodium borate, also known as borax, which is a pesticide, and not allowed as a food additive in the United States, be allowed in vaccines? You are not allowed to eat borax by law as a food additive, but your doctor or nurse can inject it directly into your veins. This makes no sense. All ingredients should be tested individually to properly identify and assess their relative effects on the human body, if they cause any adverse effects, and at what levels they would pose a risk to health. Each component should be thoroughly tested and studied before allowing it to be a part of any vaccine and allowing it to be taken or injected into people. The results of the tests for these individual ingredients should be public information.

Solution #9: LABEL ALUMINUM CONTENT IN VACCINES – INCLUDE A WARNING. Mandate that the FDA place a warning on all vaccines containing aluminum just as is required for other injectable medications. Warnings concerning aluminum and the buildup of aluminum in the body as a result of repeated vaccinations need to be placed into the hands of those affected at the time of these vaccinations. Without this labeling, people are not given proper warning of this danger, and therefore cannot give informed consent.

Aluminum is a toxin. If ingested, the majority of aluminum is eliminated by the body. When injected, it remains within the body for many years and can accumulate to dangerous levels. These risks are not well known and should be placed into the hands of a trusting and unsuspecting public who are taking these vaccines. FDA guidance includes a recommendation that total allowable aluminum exposure from parenteral nutrition should not exceed 5 mcg/kg/day. By this measure, many individual vaccines contain an overdose of aluminum for infants. Vaccines are permitted by the FDA to have an aluminum level of .85 grams (850 mcg). It is time for the FDA to explain why this enormous difference in allowable aluminum exposure between parenteral nutrition and vaccines exists. Multiple vaccines in a single day can cause a quick buildup of aluminum within the body that may exceed safety levels for health and cause adverse short- and long-term reactions and health issues.

Solution #10: REMOVE LIABILITY PROTECTION OF THE VACCINE MANUFACTURERS. Big Pharma has abused the liability protection given to it. People and their children are being hurt due to this abuse. It has become increasingly more difficult to get remuneration for deaths or injuries which are related to vaccines. Granting liability protection to the vaccine makers encourages reckless production of vaccines that is focused on profits and not safety.

The laws were changed due to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. This law gave an almost blanket liability protection for the vaccine makers. Many esteemed scientists and Nobel Prize winners were vehemently opposed to this liability protection. This legal protection from vaccine related lawsuits, deaths, and injuries is really a blank check for the vaccine makers to make money with minimal downside risk. As a result of this policy, all the risk is on the population taking these products and the government, which will inevitably pay for any vaccine related injuries and deaths through higher taxes. This policy has led to a dramatic increase in the number of vaccines since 1986, many of which are for rare or minor diseases. The safety and effectiveness and risk/reward ratio for many of these newer vaccines is highly questionable and should be reconsidered.

Solution #11: DECLARE VACCINE RISKS IN ADVERTISING. Pharmaceutical companies should have to declare known possible risks and adverse effects of their vaccines on advertising and commercials the same way as is required for drugs. 

This is not currently required, but it should be. The FDA regulations that apply to drugs, requiring corporations to note in DTC (direct to consumer) ads important risks and side effects, do not currently apply to vaccines. Vaccines are not without risk, and many people have been killed or injured by them, and these risks should be made clearly known, just as is required for pharmaceutical drugs. Commercial advertising on any media should reflect these risks and allow people to be made aware of the dangers involved with vaccines. Without declaring risks of vaccines, there is no proper warning of the dangers of taking these products, and informed consent is not possible.

Solution #12: LEGALLY TREAT VACCINES LIKE DRUGS. There should be no legal difference in the treatment of drugs and vaccines. Vaccines should be labeled as drugs by the FDA, and the rules and regulations regarding drugs should be applied to vaccines. 

Pre-licensing testing for vaccines should undergo at least as much or even more scrutiny than is required for drugs. Drugs and vaccines are currently labeled differently and are given different treatment under the law for pre-licensing and the trials stages, and in the FDA approval process. Currently, it is much easier for a vaccine to be approved than it is for a drug to be approved. Gardasil (or Gardasil 9) never had to prove its effectiveness against cancer due to this difference in the law. Vaccines should be proven to be safe and effective the same as for drugs. Vaccines should be placed under the same, or even stricter guidelines than are followed for drugs, because these products are going to be given to our children. Proof that these vaccines are really “safe and effective” is the main goal of this solution. 

Solution #13: AFTER ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY, DELAY VACCINATIONS. Antibiotics therapy for children should be a contraindication to taking any vaccines until the body has recovered completely from the illness and the antibiotics. This should be at least 6 months to 1 year of time and include probiotic therapy.

When antibiotics are prescribed to infants and/or young children, this should be seen as a contraindication to taking any vaccines for at least 6 months to a year, as their young bodies need to recuperate from these antibiotics. Also, probiotics should be recommended as a follow up therapy after the antibiotic regimen has been concluded, to assist the body in rebuilding the internal bacterial flora requisite for optimal health. Antibiotics are not without risk, and the patients should be made fully aware of how these products can affect their health. Warnings against taking prescription drugs and/or vaccines too soon after antibiotic therapy should be part of this disclosure. Recommendations for patients to take probiotics for a certain time period after an antibiotic regimen to rebuild healthy bacteria levels in the system should be a standard part of patient care.

Solution #14. BAN CONSUMER DRUG AND VACCINE ADVERTISING. There should be no direct to consumer (DTC) advertising of vaccines and/or drugs. DTC marketing and advertising of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are not in the public’s interest and should be made illegal.

When advertising dollars are at work, then TV stations, newspapers, medical journals, radio stations, and all other commercial media companies become pressured by these Big Pharma companies to displace truth with what will be most profitable to the media company, which means what will benefit their advertisers. The promotion of these products is often deceptive, and predominately shows potential benefits while discounting any adverse effects. Only the United States and New Zealand currently allow these types of ads. The other countries of the world had the foresight to realize that allowing Big Pharma to advertise their products would grant them too much power over us, which they could then abuse. Money which is currently used to promote drugs and vaccines increases the cost of these products, while at the same time limits the money available to do research for the safety of these products. Drug and vaccine advertising does not benefit the public welfare. 

Solution #15. DISALLOW ANY MANDATE OF VACCINES UNPROVEN FOR SAFETY OR EFFECTIVENESS. No matter how deadly and/or contagious a virus or bacteria is, there should never be forced vaccination of an unproven vaccine on the American people. If it requires years of testing to prove the safety and effectiveness of a vaccine, then let it take years. 

Government mandates to take the covid vaccines, which were still in the trial stages, and unproven for long-term safety and effectiveness, violated The Nuremberg Code, which prohibits medical experimentation on people against their will and without their informed consent. It was “mob rule” which caused this to happen, and it was fear mongering on the part of Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Tech (TV news and internet) which caused this mob rule. Let us never allow this to happen again. Long-term effects of any vaccine should be known before any type of mandate or edict from above are allowed to be enforceable by law.

Solution #16. ELIMINATE CONSUMER PENALTIES FOR NON-VACCINATION. There should be no threat of losing one’s job, and no threat of your children not being able to attend public school if you decide to opt out of the recommended vaccines. The American people should have the choice of informed consent for every vaccine and should be able to make this choice without any pressure from external sources. 

The state laws which were upheld by the Supreme Court verdict Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1904) to allow and enforce vaccine mandates on the people of the United States was based entirely upon the threat of smallpox, which killed 3 of every 10 persons that contracted this disease. This disease has been eradicated from the planet, and the basis for vaccine mandate laws have thereby been removed. The diseases which remain are minor and rare in comparison, and do not warrant vaccine mandates. It is time for change. The liberty and freedom of the American people should not be restricted because those who advocate for vaccines should not rule over those who do not. America was founded on the principles of freedom of choice, and the ability for families to choose how and what they believe, and also what they ingest or inject into their bodies. Vaccine mandates are another name for medical tyranny. Vaccine mandates are un-American. 

By working together with a common purpose to create awareness and solve problems, we can help to improve healthcare in the United States and create healthier adults and children. Thank you for reading.